Managing severe burns remains problematic due to the lack of specialized units, but\nalso because of the delay in implementing emergency care. The aim is to show that an\nadapted strategy, can lead to satisfying management of chemical burns. The authors\nreport retrospectively the case of a patient admitted for chemical burns, and treated\nin a non-specialized intensive care unit; a 38 years old male, referred for burns by\nsulfuric acid at his workplace. On admission to H15, the clinic did not reveal any vital\norgans failure. Burns were localized on two legs and soles of the two feet (18%\nTBSA). Treatment combined daily dressings with silver sulfadiazine. On day 14, the\nwound healing associated occlusive gauze dressing, iodine cream application, and\nmechanical debridement. On day 47, a 5% dermal autograft performed on right foot\nfavored with good attachment grafts. On day 58, the patient was released after complete\nskin recovery. Then, in a non-specialized burn unit and without early surgery\naccess, our wound healing adapted strategy was successful. In Senegal, chemical\nburns represent about 2.5% of burn cases. They are often from accidents on occupation\njob, while generally in Africa chemical burns result from criminal attacks. Patients\nwith severe lesions are admitted in non-specialized environments after an extended\ntime of transfer, and don�t have efficient initial care. This may explain the\nhigh morbidity and mortality after burns in our country. The lack of surgical facilities\nsuch as skin substitutes, in non-specialized unit on low or median income countries\n(LMICs), explains this long period of wound healing. The treatment of severe burn in\nLMICs is hazardous.